Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'm Growing Up

As my Freshman year of high school winds down, I am making a post about my maturity through this school year.  I feel as though I have grown the most out of my life during this year.  During this school year, I have been keeping a journal.  I am going to post a summary of the first entry and compare it to the last entry.  Then, I am going to go in depth on what exactly I went through and what I learned.  I will leave out people's names in this post (each person's name will be identified by the number of asterisks), and these summaries will not be word for word of what I have written down.
September 27, 2011
I have just been assigned my first book report in world history.  (At this time, I felt a little overwhelmed with my work load.  I had no idea what to expect for an honors class in high school.)  My biology teacher was today on a double lab (double period) again.  I hope he feels better, he seems like a really great guy.  ***** just gave a speech during lunch today.  I think she will make a great VP.  She is hardworking and dedicated; so, that is good.  (At this time, I was trying (but failing) to get over a girl; so, I was thinking about other girls to get my mind off of her.  ***** was one of the two girls I began having feelings for.)  I see **** (other girl) outside, but she doesn't even notice me anymore, at all.  I don't think she even sees my as a friend.  My class advisor seems like a friendly guy with some really great ideas.  Overall, I felt this day went well, but I still miss ******. (The girl who I am trying to get over.)
June 4, 2012
Thanks to my prescribed anti-depressants, I feel much better, today.  I met the new class advisor, and she seems very nice.  As the new VP, I can't wait to show her what I can do.  I'm going to give my passion project presentation in G+T next period.  I even included a quote from my biology teacher, Rest In Peace.  I'll make you proud, Mr. ******!  **** just walked by.  I may have a fool's chance with her, but what is life without trying.  As for *****, I'm really hoping that I can just keep my distance from her for the rest of high school.  I've been hearing from a very trusted friend that she hates me.  I've heard some other things, too, which add up to ***** has been lying to me all along.  I'm not going to dwell on the dislike we have for each other; I just don't want to get hurt again, like last time.  I saw a picture of ******'s sister on the wall in the middle school.  This rekindled some hope that ****** still exists.  But, I know she hates me.  She still didn't respond and never will (I had sent her a friendly letter over spring break, and she never responded back).  This is my call to move on.  I'm going to let it go.  Goodbye ******.

As for everything that happened between (so this all makes sense), here it is.  I have had an intense work load that I did not expect to be as hefty.  Stress has gotten to me so badly, I have had to see a psychologist.  My biology teacher remained to be out sick for a large amount of time.  He was in though, and he proved to be one of my favorite teachers.  He passed away on April 23 (I think it is that day).  The class advisor we originally had, quit being our class advisor due to lack of participation.  I was the most active member in class; so, that helped for me to achieve VP.  Lastly, the problems with *****.  I will sum this up as there was a "debate fiasco" and I was left feeling betrayed, let-down, and heart-broken.  Then, she harshly scolded me afterwards for something that I did NOT intend as revenge.  Now, what could I have learned from this year?
  1. Trust is delicate.  Do not give trust out to anyone, even the people who think are your friends unless trust has been built up.
  2. Never give up.  No matter what pushes you down, you get back up.  No matter what rains down on you, you must still live through it.  However, there is a catch.  You still have to choose your battles and know when to cut your losses.  There is a difference between a wise choice and laziness.
  3. Letting things go.  I always hold on to grudges.  But, now I feel as though I can stop.  I am not going to hold onto the debate fiasco.  In fact, I want to forget all about it, even though I feel I was the victim in the situation.
  4. Life is short / Seize the moment.  You never know if you are ever going to see another happy moment again.  For every one that comes your way, treasure it.  Don't hold on to it to the extent you miss it, but enough so you can look back and say "I was happy".
  5. Friends.  I don't care how strong you think you are.  You need friends.  You need people to be there for you.  Lonliness really hurts.  You cannot solve all of your problems, especially emotional and psychological ones, by yourself.  You can still be strong and accept help from friends.
  6. Don't let people take advantage of you.  This relates to the trust lesson.  People that take advantage of you are scientifically considered parasites.  You have to be able to live YOUR life, not live by constantly helping someone else out with their life.
  7. Everything is connected.  This was a quote my biology teacher used.  I will make another post exemplifying it.
This is it Freshman year, goodbye.  I have one last thing to say; it is my wisdom of the year.  We as humans are gifted with superpowers.  We have been gifted with an indomitable spirit, and we possess the same conciousness that the legends before us possessed.  There are an infinite number of questions and challenges that await us, and we can take on them all.  But if Superman didn't use his powers, would he still be super?  If you aren't going to take on these questions and challenges with your superpowers, who will?

1 comment:

  1. James, you are awesome. I can't believe I'm just seeing this now. I'm sure that you posted this more for your own benefit than anyone else's, but seriously I have to tell you - every time I talk to you, read some of your work, or am within your presence, my faith in humanity is restored. I know just as everyone else you are a person of struggle and trials that may be hidden behind closed doors, but I have always admired your will and unmatched determination. Keep being you, James, because you are just awesome!
