Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What do you value?

In my Gifted and Talented Class, we have begun a unit on Ethics.  We learned about different perspectives in ethics, such as morals, virtues, outcomes, principles, and care.  Each different perspective can be used and taken into consideration when you are trying to solve an ethical dilemma.  Recently, I found out what my values are. They are:

Emotional well-being, Stability
Education, Intelligence, Wisdom
(Altruism) Compassion, Fairness, Justice
Power, Achievement

Personally, I think they fit me very well.  I was bullied a lot as a kid.  Constantly, other kids would call me a loser.  As it stands, I have low self-esteem.  Something I have always wanted as a kid was to be accepted by more people.  Now, I want to be able to accept myself, and I want to stop thinking of myself as a loser on the inside.  Emotional well-being is something important that I feel I need.  Growing up as a kid, I did not have much to make me feel confident, except for my intelligence.  I feel my intellect is all I have.  No brawn, no love, but brains.  I think education is all I ever really had as a kid, and is what I have now.  I never liked to be bullied; so, I feel that there needs to be more justice in this world.  Personally, I cannot stand unfairness towards anyone.  Lastly, achievement is what allows my own existent.  The kids that would bully me made me feel like I would never amount to anything.  I want to prove them wrong.  I use my intellect to achieve.  The pride I have in my intelligence and work is what keeps me alive.  It gives me reason to be here.  These characteristics do outline my values.